Thursday, December 9, 2010

Avery Stories

Miss Avery is growing like crazy and has a ton of personality and I thought since I thought I'd tell you some stories and share a few recent pictures....

Red Shoes

A few months ago I bought a pair of red shoes, black shoes, and white shoes I saw online. Avery was in need of some shoes she could wear to school in the next size up. When the shoes arrived Avery Kate was home with me. When she saw the black and white pairs, she barely took notice, really didn't care and I figured when I opened the red ones it would be the same- WRONG! That child's eye's lit up and she made a bee-line right for me, or should I say the shoes! She wanted them on immediately and she did not want them to come off. I don't know what it was about the red shoes, but she LOVED them. It became a daily thing. Avery Kate for weeks and weeks first thing she would do was go find her red shoes and insist they be put on. She would go get the shoes. Throw them at you and then sit down in front of you and put her foot up in the air for you to put it on. And shoes were not willingly taken off her foot unless it was bath time or bed time. She was obsessed with these shoes! Well, she has since lessened her obsession with the red shoes, thankfully because they stink and are too small, however she still has a shoe issue. We call her the Shoe Nazi. She pretty much likes to have shoes on at all times and believes everyone should have shoes on at all times. If your shoes are in a location other than on your feet where she can find them, she will bring them to you and insist that you put them on and I'll assure you it is much easier to just do what she wants then to fight her on it, because she will win. She is a tad head-strong.


Avery Kate likes crackers, and I think she associates most food with crackers, since she points to food and says ca-cke. Well cracker without the r's does not sound like something appetizing. All food is ca-cke to Avery. Say it out loud a few times...

Other news....

Now that Miss Avery is walking, trying to talk and communicating very well in her own ways, she is just getting to be more and more fun. She loves to climb and get into just about everything. She is a ham for the camera, usually. She loves to torment Kacey, the dog, and she likes to give kisses. A kiss from Avery Kate is a special treat and just has a way of brightening up the whole day!

We have been taking her to her developmental assessments and thus far they have not identified any issues. When you see and interact with Avery you would never in a million years be able to tell she was a preemie...and we are hoping it stays that way!
