Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Avery had a wonderful first Christmas! We of course spent it house hopping. She did get a bit overwhelmed by the end of the weekend and it was obvious she was in need of lots of a little R&R. I was really proud of her though. She is getting so big and is just so much fun to watch change! She has to be over 17 lbs now. Oh and she is definitely a Daddy's girl! There is no doubt about it. She screams with glee when she sees him and smiles so big and bright. It is just too cute.

Above is a picture of Avery Kate and her Daddy Christmas Eve night playing before bed. Daddy bought Mommy a shiny new Nikon D3000 for Christmas and Phototshop Elements so...expect to see lots more pictures of sweet little Avery. We have some great pictures from DW that need to be uploaded, but until then you will have to live with my work. :)

Here is one more from Christmas Day....

That would be her Uncle Todd's hat that she has on.

Developmental Appointment

On December 10th we took Avery to her first developmental appointment. She will have 2 developmental appointments during her first year of life and then one appointment per year until she is five, if I remember correctly.

During the appointment we met with the developmental specialist and basically he did a quick check of her reflexes, movements, etc. The he proceeded to tell us that she seems stiff in her upper body and that we need to not do anything further to develop her lower body. He told us that “stiffness” is very common with preemies and typically goes away when they are 15 months of age. He said it is not typically a real issue; however it can delay things like sitting, crawling, and walking. He also told us:

- No TV or computer screens for babies until 2 years of age
- No shoes on babies, except for decoration
- A larger % of preemie babies have language and/or math issues
- A larger % of preemies have ADD.

I have to say we were actually quite taken back by the fact that Avery had “stiffness” and from that point on it was hard to focus. I guess the main issue was I had never heard anything about stiffness before and if it is something that can be worked on with stretching or by limiting certain activities then why weren’t we told about this before? He also said something about how Avery was only developed muscle wise to right below the shoulder and that we needed to work on the lower back in order to get her to sit. His basis for this was the way Pat was holding Avery. I think I was in shock through most of the appointment.

Even though he didn’t say anything in particular was wrong with Avery, other than mild stiffness which will go away, I walked out of there feeling like he just told me a thousand things were wrong and to get ready for more. It seemed like he had his mind made up about Avery before he even met her or examined her. I’m not sure why but something about this developmental appointment didn’t and still doesn’t sit well with me. We have decided that we will do what he says, however when we take her back for her next appointment in a few months we will see what he has to say and if we still don’t like it then we will look into options for other specialists, even if that means taking her someplace several hours away to see a different doctor.

Avery is actually doing quite well. She is getting very vocal with her jibber jabber. When she is really happy she screams “AHHH!” She loves to gargle when she is drinking her bottle…yes I said gargle. She fills her mouth up with milk and then looks up and smiles while she makes this gargling noise. She is completely pleased with new ability. She is still eating wonderfully and sleeping a ton. She sleeps 11 hours a night and typically naps at least 3-4 hours during the day. She is getting quite good with her sitting up. She can go a good 30 seconds before toppling over…pending she is interested in something in front of you. She is getting better with tummy time. She doesn’t love it, but is getting better. She definitely keeps things entertaining around the house.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Avery Kate the Chunkey MOnKey

Ok so an update on Miss AK...
Can you believe this is the same baby from all those NICU pictures? Look at those cheeks!

Lots and lots of changes. Miss Avery is quite the energetic little girl and she can eat and sleep with the best of them. She typically goes to bed around 7/8 and wakes up around 6. Then she has her cereal mixed with a little fruit and followed up with some formula and talk about a happy camper! She is the best early in the morning. When we go to get her from her crib she usually greets us with a big smile and maybe some jibber jabber. She is usually in a good mood in the mornings.

She loves to play and absolutely loves her jumperoo! Right now, in typical baby fashion, she is putting absolutely anything she can get her hands on in her mouth. And she wants her hands on everything. She is constantly trying to reach for things. She is completely facinated with Kacey! If Avery is pitching a fit all you have to do is call Kacey over and it stops immediately. It is pretty funny. Avery is contstantly reaching for her and jibber jabbing at her. Kacey is a pretty good sport about it all. They are actually quite cute together.

Avery is not liking tummy time. She does roll over, but she is usually irritated. Every now and then she will actually tollerate tummy time, but usually it doesn't last for too long. She knows she needs to use her legs to move but hasn't quite grasped that she needs to use her arms too. If she is laying on her back she will often push herself off her play mat. She is at the point where she wants to be independently mobile but can't figure out how to make it happen and it irritates her. I am scared of the mobile Avery Kate. We are going to be chasing that girl everywhere! She is in perpetual motion.

Avery is up to about 14 lbs now and is over 23 inches long. She is our chunky monkey! Look at her on the scale! Big difference from some of her older scale pictures!

As soon as I think she just couldn't get any cuter or better tomorrow comes and she is!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5 Months!!!!!!!

Ok so I know it has been awhile...

Avery Kate has been in need of lots of attentions so I of course had to give it to her so that left little room for much else. She is doing splendid. I don't think she knows she is a preemie so we aren't going to tell her. She eats, sleeps, plays, and gets loved on.

She is quite the little characters. She gets irritated when you leave the room and she can't see you. If you do that you get her fake cry. As soon as you reappear it stops immediately. Now if you stay gone too long out of her sight and she wants you back it will eventually turn into a real cry.

She is great in the car...as long as it is moving. It's funny she is fine when you put her in her car seat, however you better get moving out to the car ASAP, because she knows the car seat belongs in a moving car and that she is fine with, however she is not fine with it sitting still. She is the same way in her stroller. Loves walks! But just like with the car...whatever you do don't stop! lol. The stroller puts her out like a light after just a little bit.

She has started laughing and smiling. It is so much fun. She is so sweet. Her cheeks are so chubby you just want to eat them up!

Last time we took her to the doctor, which was August 13th ,she was 8lbs 13 oz. We are pretty confident she is probably about 10 now.

She has recently started sleeping a good bit of the night. She sleeps from 5-7 hours. During the day though she is like a stop watch - 3 hours - 3 hours. You don't have to wonder if it's getting close to 3 hours she will let you know.

It has been so wonderful having her home. I think we fall more in love with her everyday. You think you just can't love them any more than you already do and then you wake up the next morning and see than and you do. It still surprises me just how much joy seeing her chunky little self brings me. It doesn't matter how tired, grouchy, or anything else I am...she makes me smile.

Daddy is of course WONDERFUL with her. I don't think it is possible to have a more supportive, loving man than Avery's daddy. :) We surely lucked up with him. I don't know what we did to deserve him but we are so blessed and thankful we do.

Well we got some pics from DW of AK coming home. We haven't seen them all yet, but here are a couple. I had to post the one with Mr. Bear and Ms. Chick because if you guys remember from Easter the Chick was almost as big as Avery.

This picture below is super special. Not only is Avery holding the NICU graduation gift DW gave her, but it is one of the very last pictures taken in the NICU.

Here are some new pictures as well. Isn't it amazing how she has grown. She looks and acts like a normal 2 month old should...she's just 5 months....TODAY! :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here are some pictures of Avery....

Look how Avery has grown! Below is a picture of Avery in one of her preemie outfits. Yes it is suppose to be long sleeves and pants. Avery had a diaper explosion so Daddy dressed her...how cute is that!
Avery loves having her bath, especially having her hair washed. Look at her little belly!!
This past weekend we went to Avery's Nanny's and hung out... Avery seemed to enjoy herself.

Tonight after her bath Avery had some Daddy time...of course Kacey had to check in on Avery and make sure everything was ok....

After Daddy time it was sleep time. She was asleep with in seconds of being put down. She was out like a light!

Growing Girl

Ok so my first real update since we brought Avery home...

It has taken some getting use to having Avery home, but it has been great. Both Pat and I are big on getting our 8 hours sleep a night so having to get up every 3 hours have been a challenge, but I'm adjusting. Pat has been wonderful! We have definitely been equal partners in the care giving. I have to both Avery and I are blessed to have a man like Pat in our lives. He is wonderful!

Avery seems to be adjusting well to being home. She is chunking up like you wouldn't believe. She is eating 2 almost 3 ounces every 3 hours. Avery loves to eat! She is pretty good at sleeping too. She typically sleeps at least 2 of the hours between feedings if not 3. At least once a day she is really alert for a few hours and just wants to be given attention. She seems to be very observant.

She is still wearing her apnea monitor, however it only goes off when her leads start to fall off. It is rather annoying to carry around, but I have to say it is nice to have at night. I know lots of new parents worry about whether their babies are breathing and tend to wake up lots to check on them during the night, however with Avery being on a monitor we don't have to worry about that so much. There is definitely no sleeping through her monitor when it goes off. It sounds like a fire alarm.

Our dog Kacey seems to be adjusting well to Avery. Kacey tends to check on Avery through out the day. If Avery makes a noise Kacey lets me know. She likes to sniff Avery, but that is about it. She does feel a little left out every now and then. It's usually if we are on the couch with Avery or something. Usually if that happens Kacey just comes and joins us and all is well.

It has been absolutely wonderful having Avery home. I'll post some pictures later this week.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pictures of Avery at Home

Just a quick share. I'll write all about Avery's first week home this weekend...after I've had more sleep. :)

Avery's first day home loving on her wubbanub passy:

Kacey checking out Avery in her bouncy:

Avery down for the count after her 1st bath at home:

Avery squirming:

Miss Avery has been sleeping and eating like a champ, however every now and then she has a passy attack and must have it right then or else. The wubbanub has workedout great for this because unlike the regular passy it can be positioned better to keep it in her mouth. When she is done with it she usually just pushes it away.
We have had to use blankets to try and swaddle her in since she gets a little cool. The sleep sacks that are recommended instead of blankets completely swallow Avery. So since Avery is on a apnea monitor which monitors her breathing and heart rate we have been going ahead and using the blankets. However we have learned not to cover her arms because she will completely bust out. She must must have her arms free.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The BIG Day

Just got off the phone with her nurse....today is the day-10:30 am. I have known today was the day, but it wasn't until she said "10:30" that it started to feel real. I hung up and called Pat right away and then DW. While rushing through my shower trying to get ready I could feel the adrenaline finally hit me- this is for real!

This whole situation has been very surreal. It has felt almost like watching someone elses life through a window. Avery was ours but she wasn't. Today that all changes, today Avery becomes ours and just ours. We are going to be solely responsible for taking care of her- for feeding, bathing, sleeping and diapering. She is finally ours! We are responsible for everything Avery- the good and the bad.

Off to get our girl we go....

The entire trip to the hospital I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. I was so excited. Pat was excited too. He looked calm but yet there was a peppiness that was just a little bit more than usual.

When we got up stairs we fed her for the last time in the NICU. While we were mid feed DW walked in, camera bag in toe. The fun was about to begin.

DW captured it all. She took pictures of Avery's last NICU feeding, her getting dressed in her pretty new dress, her NICU farewell stroll, and of course her exit. Daddy got a bit emotional as the final exit approached. I think the farewell tour to say bye to all the wonderful nurses set him over the edge. I guess wheeling Avery out made it finally seem real. I on the other hand was still feeling euphoric. Pat went down to get the car. And I went with Avery, DW, and her nurse down. On the way we even got to see one of Avery's old NICU pals. I hated to see Avery's pal was having to come in and be checked out, but it was so nice to see them. They were sweet sweet people. And as a result we were lucky enough to get some cute shots of Avery and Abigail together. It couldn't have been more perfect.

We strapped her in her car seat and were off...

DW followed us back to the house and captured Avery's arrival home as well as her meeting with our other child, Kacey (our German Shorthaired Pointer). Kacey has become very spoiled over her 7 1/2 years so we were very interested to see how she would take it. Surprisingly Kacey really wasn't all to interested in Avery. It was so wonderful having DW with us today. I honestly could not imagine today happening any other way than with her by our side. She is Avery's own personal Guardian Angel.

It's crazy to think the NICU is behind us. Our 30-45 minute trips and 1 1/2 hour long visits to and from the hospital a couple times a day will now be replaced with round the clock Avery time and every 3 hour feedings. Having her home comes along with it's own set of challenges, but nothing we are not ready for.

So far...

It is wonderful having her here. We have had 2 feedings so far. She eats and sleep and then does it again. I have to say one good thing about a NICU graduate is that they are already on a routine when they get home. Kacey pretty much ignores Avery except when she makes cute little baby noises. When she does that Kacey has to go check in on her. It is pretty cute. Pat also likes to check in on her. He can't help himself but to go over and stare at her. It is the sweetest thing.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Father's Day Photos

Well a couple weeks ago was Father's Day and of course Miss Avery had lots of quality time with Daddy, but in addition it was also photo shoot day. That means we got lots of cute pictures!!

Here are the pictures from Father's Day, compliments of DW, of course:

Monday, June 29, 2009

So Far So Good!!

Well Miss Avery has made it through the weekend without having any heart rate drops!

Other than that she is just sleeping and growing. She is knocking on the door of 5 lbs. She is currently at 4 lbs 15.5 ozs. She is a lot more alert these days. She cuts her eyes over towards whoever is talking and reaches for things she sees. She loves her passy. Every now and then she will be laying there as content as ever and then for no reason gets this poutly face soon followed by fidgeting and then this crying. However as soon as her passy is put in her mouth immediate silence and back to being perfectly content. I have a feeling it will be in our best interest to keep a passy or two within reach of Avery at all times. It's usually when she is going back to bed after eating that she seems to want her passy. Other than that she is as easy going and sweet as can be. Her Daddy says she must get that from him and I tend to agree.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Final Count Down!

24 hours and lots of changes!

So as of yesterday (June 25th) Avery is off aminophylline!!! They took her off yesterday and are going to see how she does. They said that normally the count is 7 days and baby goes home on 8th if no heart rate drops. However since Avery was on such a high does of aminophylline they are going to keep her a little longer than the 7/8 days. But if all goes well she will be home within 2 weeks! They actually gave us a date, which I am not going to share at this time. I'm going to keep it a surprise. :)

In case anyone is wondering what prompted this change this is basically a good example of why it is beneficial to have a primary nurse taking care of your baby. Not only do we have a nurse that is familiar with Avery and that Avery is familiar with, but we also have an advocate for her.

I have to say I am kind of nervous for Avery, but the doctor reviewed her case and made the decision to give it a try. I don't think he would have done that had he not thought she was ready. So over the next couple weeks make sure extra prayers are said for Avery. If she has a heart rate drop the count will start all over. If she has multiple drops she will most likely go back on aminophylline.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Good News/ Bad News

Well good news is Miss Avery is gaining weight like crazy and is now up to 4lbs 12ozs. She is loving her bottles. She finishes them in no time. Just look how big she is getting!

Bad news Miss Avery Kate had a heart rate drop yesterday and they are leaving her on the aminophylline a little longer. They are leaving her on it partly because the heart rate drop and partly because it is still at such a high level in her system. Each week they do a blood test to see what level the aminophylline is at in her system. Her's still needs to come down a good bit before they take her off it.

So now it is looking like Miss Avery will be staying where she is for another month or so. I have to say it is very disappointing, but we are glad the delay is not due to something worse. We were really thinking it would be this week that she was taken off her aminophylline and then next week that she got to come home. Pat and I are so ready for our daughter to come home.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Miss Avery Kate is now up to 8 bottles a day (as of 19th)! They have taken the feeding tube out of her nose and she seems to be doing great. She can down her bottle in less than 5 minutes. She guzzles it! Only time she seems to go slow is when she is working on a nice little present for us. Isn't that sweet of her. lol.

She had her hearing test on the 19th as well and it came back just fine. She has had sever eye exams all of which have come back fine. They will probably do a 4th this upcoming Thursday. They do them every 2 weeks from 6 weeks on in order to be sure the baby doesn't develop ROP, which is something that can occur in preemies.

Avery is plumping up and getting little baby rolls everywhere. She is filling out her preemie clothes and just getting cuter by the minute.

Only major hurdle left is for Avery to come off her caffeine. This should be happening any day now. Once it does she has to go 8 days with no heart rate drops. 8th day she goes home. If she has a drop the count starts all over.

Isn't it amazing what the can do with science these days. Miss Avery was 14 weeks and 3 days early and weighed 1 lb 15 ozs. Now still 3 weeks out from her original due date Miss Avery is just about 4 1/2 lbs. By time July 12th hits Avery will be well over 5 lbs and on her way to 6. She will be wearing Newborn close and living at home with her Mommy and Daddy just like any other newborn baby. And just think it is all thanks to that wonderful modern medicine. Of course the ideal situation would have been for Miss Avery to still be in my tummy, however I believe everything happens for a reason. And this may not have been what we planned, but it all seems to be working out just fine.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Girl

Miss Avery is officially a big girl!! She is now out of her condo and into a crib! How exciting is that! They wrote the orders today and she seems to be holding her temp so...so far so good.

So now that she is in a crib all she has left to do is get off her caffeine, start drinking all 8 feedings by bottle, and pass her car seat trial. Currently Avery Kate is drinking 3 bottles a day. I am not exactly sure when they will increase her on this.

The car seat trial is a test where they basically put Avery in her car seat for about 30 minutes and make sure she doesn't have any heart rate drops. This is to insure that she is able to handle the ride home. They can't do this test until she is off her caffeine.

It is amazing how far she has come.

Monday, June 15, 2009

4 Pounds

As of Saturday night Miss Avery is 4 lbs! And as of last night she is already 4 lbs 1.5 oz! Grow Avery Grow!

She has been doing wonderful. She did have a day or two (Friday and Saturday) where she wasn't too interested in her bottle, but as of yesterday she was guzzling it like normal.

It should be any day now that Miss Avery gets moved from her condo into a crib.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Picture Perfect

Miss Avery is making progress! She is up to 3 lbs 14 ozs. Only 2 more ounces to 4 lbs! I noticed yesterday when I was changing her diaper that there was actuall a fat roll on her thigh- how great is that!

When she hits 4 lbs they will take her out of her condo and put her in a crib. It will be really strange seeing her in a crib since we are so use to that condo, but we are very excited because that means one more step closer to coming home.
She is now being fed 32 ccs per feeding. That is over an ounce a feeding! 30 ccs = 1 oz. That is a long way from the 2.2 ccs per feeding she started out with.
As of yesterday they took her off her diuretics. Now all she really has left is to be taken off her caffeine. Once she is off her caffeine it will be car seat trial and be for you know it home! It won't be long now...which is why as of last night her nursery is finished! We of course went with a nice beachy theme for our future beach baby.

Last Saturday we had another picture day and DW got some GREAT shots! We have made sure that Ms. DW doesn't think she will be getting rid of us when she discharges Miss Avery. Nope, DW is a keeper and Miss Avery needs to grow up knowing the woman that has gone above and beyond for her. I have said it before and I'll say it again, we are very fortunate to have her in our lives.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Movin on Up

Miss Avery is growing up!! On Wednesday (June 3rd) Avery was given her 2 month immunizations. Poor DW got the lucky job of giving her those shots. Then on Thursday (June 4th) Avery began receiving 3 bottles a day. And on Friday Avery had her cannula removed (June 5th). And Aunt Tammy got to hold Avery for the first time. How is that for a busy week! She has handled it all like a champ.

She is moving forward so fast that it won't be long before she gets to come home. This means Mom and Dad better get ready, which we are. The hospital requires that we take an infant CPR class and a homeward bound class prior to bringing her home. We took both those classes this week.

Look how much Miss Avery has changed in one week...
Here she is yesterday:

and then here she is May 30th:

The difference in her face is amazing to me. Every day she just looks more and more like a term baby. And to really apreciate her progress, here is Miss Avery during her first days, just 2 months ago:

It is just amazing to me to see how far she has come and how now she is just taking off. Right now she weighs 3 lbs 7 ozs, but if she keeps gaining and growing like she has been in another week or so she will be 4 lbs! That is more than double her birth weight of 1 lb 15 ozs.