Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5 Months!!!!!!!

Ok so I know it has been awhile...

Avery Kate has been in need of lots of attentions so I of course had to give it to her so that left little room for much else. She is doing splendid. I don't think she knows she is a preemie so we aren't going to tell her. She eats, sleeps, plays, and gets loved on.

She is quite the little characters. She gets irritated when you leave the room and she can't see you. If you do that you get her fake cry. As soon as you reappear it stops immediately. Now if you stay gone too long out of her sight and she wants you back it will eventually turn into a real cry.

She is great in the long as it is moving. It's funny she is fine when you put her in her car seat, however you better get moving out to the car ASAP, because she knows the car seat belongs in a moving car and that she is fine with, however she is not fine with it sitting still. She is the same way in her stroller. Loves walks! But just like with the car...whatever you do don't stop! lol. The stroller puts her out like a light after just a little bit.

She has started laughing and smiling. It is so much fun. She is so sweet. Her cheeks are so chubby you just want to eat them up!

Last time we took her to the doctor, which was August 13th ,she was 8lbs 13 oz. We are pretty confident she is probably about 10 now.

She has recently started sleeping a good bit of the night. She sleeps from 5-7 hours. During the day though she is like a stop watch - 3 hours - 3 hours. You don't have to wonder if it's getting close to 3 hours she will let you know.

It has been so wonderful having her home. I think we fall more in love with her everyday. You think you just can't love them any more than you already do and then you wake up the next morning and see than and you do. It still surprises me just how much joy seeing her chunky little self brings me. It doesn't matter how tired, grouchy, or anything else I am...she makes me smile.

Daddy is of course WONDERFUL with her. I don't think it is possible to have a more supportive, loving man than Avery's daddy. :) We surely lucked up with him. I don't know what we did to deserve him but we are so blessed and thankful we do.

Well we got some pics from DW of AK coming home. We haven't seen them all yet, but here are a couple. I had to post the one with Mr. Bear and Ms. Chick because if you guys remember from Easter the Chick was almost as big as Avery.

This picture below is super special. Not only is Avery holding the NICU graduation gift DW gave her, but it is one of the very last pictures taken in the NICU.

Here are some new pictures as well. Isn't it amazing how she has grown. She looks and acts like a normal 2 month old should...she's just 5 months....TODAY! :)


  1. Ya'll look so happy! She getting so big. She's beautiful!

  2. She is a special, precious little girl. I am so glad I get to be a part of her life.
    Nannie :-)
