Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January 2010

January 2010 was a good month for Miss Avery Kate. Not only did she start sitting in mid January we noticed on the 22nd that her first tooth had broken through and by the following weekend the second had broken through. She has been a pretty good teether. She hasn't had any fevers or anything like that. She has been a bit ornery, but who wouldn't be with all that going on. (hehe)

Miss Avery Kate is starting to show more and more personality everyday. Miss Avery has no problem whatsoever letting you know what she wants and what she doesn't want. She can be quite the bossy bee. It amazes me how someone so small and who can't even talk can boss all us big people around. I don't know how, but she does it.

She loves to jibber jabber. Usually it's the same types of sounds over and over, but every now and then you will here her and it sounds like she is talking. It's kind of funny. This past weekend she has been practicing the sound "ma". Which I have to say I have enjoyed. Even though she has no clue what she is saying it is fun watching her sit there and say mama over and over again. I can't wait until the day she looks up and acknowledging says "Mama". Until then I'll get my fun where I can.

Miss Avery still loves the bath like you wouldn't believe. She gets super excited when she is just taken into the bathroom where her tub is. She loves it. I think she would stay in there most of the day if we would let her. Knowing how much she loves the bath I can't wait to see how she does with pool/beach water this summer.

She is also a big fan of dogs (Kacey & Lily especially) and men (Daddy & Ken). Do you think there is a link there? Dog's and men? Just wondering. :) No, but seriously, if any of the ones mentioned above walk through the room and she will notice and she will react. It usually starts with a kind mellow fun scream which says seems to mean "hey you, come over here!" and then if the subject of her affection does not respond appropriately the next scream, still with a twinge of fun ,seems to say "Hey you, I'm talking to you!". Eventually if the object of her affection is one of the dogs she might do this attitude scream where she is saying something along the lines of "Don't you understand I want to play! Fine be that way, next time I see you I am going to pull your ears." If the object of her affection is a man...(i.e. Daddy & Ken), depending on the day, you could be subject to a very dramatic mini melt down. It seems to say "Oh, how dare he! I can't believe the nerve! Come back! Come back! Oh, I've been abandoned!" I think we are going to have to work with Miss Avery and teach her some man handling skills. (lol).

Avery is quite the little character. It's hard to believe she is already 10 months old (almost 7 adjusted). She is a chunk at about 17 lbs. She is happy and silly and when you look at her you would never know she started out as a micro preemie at 1 lb 15 oz.

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