Sunday, June 21, 2009


Miss Avery Kate is now up to 8 bottles a day (as of 19th)! They have taken the feeding tube out of her nose and she seems to be doing great. She can down her bottle in less than 5 minutes. She guzzles it! Only time she seems to go slow is when she is working on a nice little present for us. Isn't that sweet of her. lol.

She had her hearing test on the 19th as well and it came back just fine. She has had sever eye exams all of which have come back fine. They will probably do a 4th this upcoming Thursday. They do them every 2 weeks from 6 weeks on in order to be sure the baby doesn't develop ROP, which is something that can occur in preemies.

Avery is plumping up and getting little baby rolls everywhere. She is filling out her preemie clothes and just getting cuter by the minute.

Only major hurdle left is for Avery to come off her caffeine. This should be happening any day now. Once it does she has to go 8 days with no heart rate drops. 8th day she goes home. If she has a drop the count starts all over.

Isn't it amazing what the can do with science these days. Miss Avery was 14 weeks and 3 days early and weighed 1 lb 15 ozs. Now still 3 weeks out from her original due date Miss Avery is just about 4 1/2 lbs. By time July 12th hits Avery will be well over 5 lbs and on her way to 6. She will be wearing Newborn close and living at home with her Mommy and Daddy just like any other newborn baby. And just think it is all thanks to that wonderful modern medicine. Of course the ideal situation would have been for Miss Avery to still be in my tummy, however I believe everything happens for a reason. And this may not have been what we planned, but it all seems to be working out just fine.


  1. God has his hand on that sweet little girl! Great to hear that she's plumping up and doing so well!

  2. She really is plumping up!!! That is fantastic to see! I think she'll be home with you in no time. Science is incredible! :)
