Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Girl

Miss Avery is officially a big girl!! She is now out of her condo and into a crib! How exciting is that! They wrote the orders today and she seems to be holding her temp so...so far so good.

So now that she is in a crib all she has left to do is get off her caffeine, start drinking all 8 feedings by bottle, and pass her car seat trial. Currently Avery Kate is drinking 3 bottles a day. I am not exactly sure when they will increase her on this.

The car seat trial is a test where they basically put Avery in her car seat for about 30 minutes and make sure she doesn't have any heart rate drops. This is to insure that she is able to handle the ride home. They can't do this test until she is off her caffeine.

It is amazing how far she has come.


  1. I am so very excited for you!! It won't be long now!!! Still Praying that you will be able to take her home with you soon! And yes, you can call on me if you need me! Yeah Avery!!!

  2. YES!!! I am so pumped about all of the progress! She'll be a beach baby in no time!! : )
