Monday, June 1, 2009

First Bottle

Miss Avery is up to 3 lbs 3 ozs! She is gaining about an once a day. She is not only getting chubby cheeks but chubby little legs too! She is really filling out and getting cuter and cuter by the minute.

Today was a big day for Miss Avery she got to try something new. She got to try drinking from a bottle for the first time ever! She did very well with it. Her nurse over the weekend started dipping her passy into the milk to give Avery a taste of what she has been missing and Avery seemed to really like it. So today her nurse decided it was time to try the bottle. We were told to only expect her to drink a few ccs but Avery decided to drink 8 ccs. Which is a third of her feeding, so that was pretty good for a first try. I was surprised how she took right too it. The second it was put in her mouth she started going to town. I think she might like drinking from a bottle almost as much as she likes having her hair washed.