Saturday, May 30, 2009

3 Pounds!

Miss Avery hit 3 lbs yesterday! Her official weight was 3 lbs 0.3ozs. She likes to squeak by on those milestone weights. She did the same thing when she hit 2 lbs. Yesterday her nurse dressed her up to celebrate being 3 lbs. She put her in party clothes. It was pretty funny because the outfit swallowed her. She looked pretty cute though.

It is just amazing how fast she is growing. She is starting to get little chunky cheeks which are super cute, has a bigger passy, and is now wearing bigger diapers (as of yesterday). She is on the 3rd size of diapers! I think these are the official preemie sized diapers. The other diapers she wore were so small you couldn't even buy them at the store.

She is getting close to being able to try a bottle and she is so close to being tried off her cannula.
At the rate she is going now it won't be long before we will be bring her home. There are still several things she needs to do, but pending no serious setbacks we are moving forward at a good pace.