Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Nurse

So Miss Avery was being really good yesterday! So good that we were actually able to take her out for a bit and hold her. I am hoping that today she is doing even better!

They fortified her milk yesterday so we should see her start gaining some lbs! As of yesterday she was holding on to her 2.00.8 lbs so hopefully over the next week or so we will see her move up from there. They left her feeding amount at 4.9 ccs to see how she tolerates the fortifier. It sounds like they start her on 22 cal fortifier first to see how she handles that and them moves her up to 24 cal if she does ok with it. So we will see.

She is still on her cpap with her bump rate of 10 and it sounds like it will stay that way for at least a week before they try her without it again.

She had a new nurse yesterday. It is always interesting when there is a new nurse. Every one of them comments on how feisty Avery is. I like to watch them do their assessments so I can see how they move her around, how they deal with her fussing at them, and how much care they take in positioning her. There are some you feel instantly comfortable with and others not so much. I am learning that when we hold Avery with a new nurse for the first time we can expect it to be a shorter hold. I am sure it is because the nurse is checking to see how Avery tolerates being held, but at the same time it is kind of frustrating for us because we already know how Avery tolerates it so it kinda feels like we are being penalized. It's nice when we have nurses that we have had in the past because they already know Avery. They also already know us and our routine and visa versa which makes for a much smoother visit.

Yesterdays nurse was hard to read. I couldn't get a clear feel for her. I think yesterdays nurse seemed ok with Avery which is most important so we will see. I am really not sure what I think of her yet.

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