Monday, May 11, 2009


Miss Avery was such a good girl this past weekend! She behaved (few desats) and she grew (an once)! She now weighs 2 lbs 4 ozs. She is up 5 ozs from her birth weight! I know that doesn't sound like much but when you think of it in terms of percentage of body weight that means she is up 20%! That is the equivalent of a 200 lb person gaining 40 lbs of which 4 ounces were over the past 2 weeks. Can you imagine gaining an additional 20% of your body weight in 2 weeks?

There were quite a few firsts that occurred over the last few days. I had my first Mother's Day. Avery gave me very pretty flowers and a very sweet card.

Another first was that Aunt Tammy got to change Avery's diaper (Saturday). That is the first time anyone other than Mom, Dad, or a nurse changed her diaper. And last but definitely not least Avery's Grandma (Maw) got to see Miss Avery out of her condo for the first time (today).

Today they took Avery off her bump rate again. As of our evening visit she seemed to be doing pretty well with it. She made good grades the entire time we were there. The increased her diuretics today. All of Avery's medications are based on her weight so as her weight goes up so will her medications. And thankfully Miss Avery welcomed her nurse in this morning with a nice big stinky diaper. We were very happy about this because Miss Avery didn't make any stinky diapers Saturday or Sunday and after 2 days with no stinky diapers that would mean enema. Can you say- YUCK! So luckily for Miss Avery and unluckily for her nurse today she took care of it on her own.

Other than that Miss Avery has been doing lots of sleeping and eating which is what she needs to do in order to grow and get herself home! We can't wait for her to get home. It will be so nice to be able to curl up on the couch with her and just hold her in our lap as long as we want.

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