Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby Face

What a good day!!

Went to see Miss Avery today and her cpap was disconnected! They are trying her out on the nasal canula and she seems to like it! She was making good grades all day.
She did have a couple heart rate drops today, but none that required stimulating. I am praying if they need to do anything about the drops that it is to up her caffeine and not to send her back to cpap. No matter what it was great to see her face today!


  1. Tonya- You are soooo beautiful!! I can't wait for AVery to tell you how gorgeous you are. She will say "Mommy you are the prettiest mommy in the whole world and I love you so much!!" I am glad she is improving. I pray for you and Pat and Avery all the time and can't wait to come and meet her. I love you all. Jeannie

  2. What great news! It is so nice to see her beautiful face. I am so happy that Avery is getting bigger and stronger every day.
