Friday, May 1, 2009

Better Day

So Miss Avery had a better day yesterday. DW said she was back to her old fiesty self. She said any time she did her assessment (checking blood pressure, temp, etc...) Avery fussed at her which is totally Avery. We didn't get to see too much of Avery's fiestyness ourselves because she was sleeping most of the time we were there. I did notice when I changed her diaper that there was a little more force back in her kicks which was nice to see. Avery of course likes to try and kick you away while changing her diaper. It is her attempt at making diaper changing more difficult for you and entertaining for her.

Partly as a result of the transfusion and hopefully partly as a result of her actually gaining weight Avery was up to 2.00.8 lbs which is progress. On the 26th when she first weighed in at 2 lbs it was 2.00.1 lbs. Then she dropped a little below again and now she is back.
Here feedings were moved up to 4.9 ccs the same day she had her transfusion from 4.6 and she seems to be handling it well. I got to see the proof when I changed that nasty little diaper.
She had the hiccups again yesterday. She has them everyday, however this time I happened to have the porthole open on her condo and I noticed you could actually her her little hiccups. When she first got there you could barely hear her especially with all the other sounds around you. So either Avery is starting to develop those lungs or the pod (NICU room) just happens to be quieter more often. I am going to go with Avery is getting louder which to me means stronger and bigger. We really got to hear her the day Daddy had her our doing Kangaroo care. Her cpap started to come out and boy did she let us know.
Other than that yesterday was a rather uneventful day for Miss Avery and in NICU uneventful is GOOD.

Here are a couple pictures DW took of Miss Avery:

1 comment:

  1. I love the new pics!!! They are so real and in your face. Tell DW I said hey!!!
