Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Steps Back

Well, today was an emotional day.

When Miss Avery was first admitted to NICU they talked to us about blood transfusions and told us that about 99% of preemies get them. In order to be ready we had one of our close relatives donate blood for us to have on file should she need it.

Today was the day Miss Avery ended up needing it. She was only 2 weeks away from greatly increasing her odds of not needing a transfusion. The primary reason preemies end up needing blood is because of the amount taken from them while in the hospital. Babies can not produce their own blood cells until 6 weeks of age and so if you take take take prior to that 6 week point the probability is they will need blood. Miss Avery was looking really good until today.

In addition yesterday she started doing a few dips again, today she continued. So with the blood transfusion and her dipping her cpap bump rate was increased back to what it was before (10 bpm). Hopefully once she gets blood she will start feeling better and will be able to go back to a zero bump rate on the cpap.

It is also looking like this weekend they will be adding fortifier to her milk in order to increase the calories she is receiving. Currently Miss Avery isn't really gaining much weight and hopefully this will help.

Miss Avery is also being checked for an eye infection. She has one eye that seems to continually produce gunk. It is always the same eye so they are taking a sample and sending it off to see if she has an infection.

With Avery having almost a solid week doing great it was really hard to walk in there tonight and find out about her few steps back. I just wanted to scoop Avery up and just hold her close and tell her it will be alright. Through out our visit tonight I had to sit back a little bit away from her because if I sat too close I would have cried through the entire visit. I hate the though of her not feeling well. And looking at her helpless little self in that bed just makes it so much worse when I know there is absolutely nothing I can do for her. It breaks my heart into little pieces. I want her well so bad.

Pat was just as stressed out. The difference from him and I is that instead of crying he just kind of gets quiet and shuts down. It is emotionally exhausting when she has days like this. Good days are definitely ahead for Miss Avery, however doesn't make today anymore fun.


  1. Oh Michelle I remember how scary it was when they told me Noah need a transfusion. It was so scary, for everyone. But he was like a new baby once he had it, and I'm sure she will be fine and in fact this might give her the boost to come off the cpap all together. As I've told you before Noah needed a total of 5 transfusion, and each time he was fine :). Im thinking of you all.

  2. I am not sure if I have ever commented on your blog, but I read it every day to check on Avery.
    I know how scary NICU life is. While it is scary to hear that she needed a transfusion, it will help her. And hopefully with the fortifier she can start gaining some weight!
    I will continue to pray for you all. Take care of yourself so you can take care of Avery!

  3. Tonya,
    I cannot imagine what you are experiencing, and I will pray for the stress not to be too much for you and Pat. Avery is strong like her Momma, I am thinking about you all.

