Friday, April 10, 2009

1 Week Old!

Yesterday Miss Avery was one week old! And she seems to be doing wonderfully. For her birthday we decked out her condo with some new blankys. The last two days we had one of our favorite nurses and yesterday she told us we could bring receiving blanket to personalize her area vs using the boring blue and white striped ones the hospital has. So after our morning visit Avery's Aunt Tammy and I went blanky shopping. Miss Avery now has a nice little stack of blankets all ready to keep her in style.

Yesterday was a big day for Mr. Daddy too. Pat was able to feed Avery as well as rub the gel on her back. He said it makes him nervous because he is afraid he is going to hurt her. Avery doesn't know it yet but she has the best Daddy in the world.

We were there while Avery was being weighed. She didn't really gain anything yesterday, but she didn't lose anything either. I think she was up a couple grams. We can't wait for her to reach 2 lbs! It's not too far away- just another ounce or so. The nurse told us I need to make sure and have a high protein diet because protein is what will make her grow, so now that she told me that I am on it.

Oh and we are not watching to see if Avery is going to become a finger sucker or a thumb sucker because as soon as the nurse took out her little feeding tube Miss Avery started figuring out exactly how many fingers she could stick in her mouth at one time. The answer is 3. She can get 3 fingers in her mouth.

1 comment:

  1. She is really looking great Tonya! Her color and even though she has only gained a little you can definitely tell she is bigger.
