Friday, April 17, 2009

Making Progress

Yesterday Miss Avery had quite the eventful day. She had her picc line changed which was stressful, however she came through quite well. I was worried that after her picc line change she would have a day like last Saturday but that wasn't the case. She actually did pretty well after the picc line change despite the stress. In addition to her picc line change they increased her food to 2.9 ccs per hour. They also changed the way she gets her amophyllin. She will now get it mixed in with her food which means she is one more step closer to not needing a picc line. And last but not least they have stopped putting gel on her. This is of course another good sign. I am going to miss putting it on her, but I am so glad she is making some forward progress. Oh and how can I forget that she finished out the night with a passy. Her night nurse was determined to give it a try. Seemed like Miss Avery liked it. She was pretty cute holding it in place.

As for today, Miss Avery had a great day. She didn't have a single dip during either of our visits. And it sounded like her whole day was pretty good. Now as for weight she maintained 850 grams for the fourth day in a row. She didn't gain, but then again she didn't lose either.

So all in all Miss Avery is doing very well.

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