Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

So Avery had a busy Easter weekend!

Saturday Avery was a trouble maker! She had several dips (heart rate and blood oxygen level) all related to her forgetting to breath. They have been working to get her ammophyllin levels right. That is the drug they use to help her remember to breath. It's her caffeine wake up call. This behavior is completely normal for a baby her age, however it doesn't make it any less stressful for Mom and Dad who are sitting there watching her heart rate go from 56 to 180 and back repeatedly when it should be staying around 140-155. We want her to sail through NICU. We don't want her to have any rough days. So Saturday was a little stressful.

Luckily we finished up Saturday on a light note. Daddy changed Miss Avery's diapers for the first time. It had to be the cutest thing I have ever seen! It was cute from the start, but what topped it off was Daddy putting the diaper on backwards. I have to say this definitely made me feel better about my diapering skills. We even had her nurse laughing. And I have to say after the day we had on Saturday it was a well needed laugh and a great note to end the day on. Avery has the sweetest Daddy.
Easter was a completely different day. Avery was just about the opposite of Saturday. Instead of having dips she was maintaining nice healthy levels. She was being so good that DW (nurse extrodinaire) was able to take pictures for us. She does photography on the side and so she brought her nice camera and took some really great pictures. She had Miss Avery wear Daddy's wedding ring as a bracelet. Which was too cute! She took some of Miss Avery holding the Easter Chick her daddy bought her. She even took some of us holding Miss Avery. It was really great. I can't wait to see the pictures. I don't know if DW realizes it or not, but what was so great about the picture taking is of course for one we are going to get some very memorable pictures. That of course is fantastic, but in addition while we were taking pictures with Miss Avery we were able to forget for a little bit where we were and just enjoy being with our daugheter. Which to me was the best part of all.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Avery with her Easter Chick. Sooo cute!
