Friday, April 24, 2009

Big Day

Miss Avery had a very big day today!
Her feedings were increased to 4.4 ccs per hour. Her fluids were completely removed which also resulted in her picc line being removed. How exciting is that!

Then Avery had her c-pap and feeding tubes taken out in order to be changed which meant for a brief time there was no tape or tubes attached to Avery's face. This was actually the first time Pat and I got to see her pretty face completely unobstructed.

Next she was weighed and came in at her highest weight yet! Miss Avery weighed in at 1 lb 15.6 ozs (896 grams)! Only .4 ozs to go to reach 2 lbs!!

And if that was not enough Avery had a bath today. A big bath in which Mommy and Daddy both got to help.

After her bath Miss Avery had her tubes reattached and was sent off to bed to recoup from her exciting day. She was definitely tuckered out because she was sound a sleep in no time.


  1. I'm sitting here crying because I am so happy for you guys. what a wonderful day!

  2. Tonya and Pat, Guy and I have been praying for you and Avery every day and I love checking on her. GOD IS SO GOOD! She is beautiful!!

    Rebecca Bracken Etheridge

  3. What a true blessing!!! I am beyond excited. She is going to grow up to be one beautiful little girl!

  4. I'm so happy to hear of all the good news! It was is so wonderful to see her face without the tubes. How exciting!
