Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pretty in Purple

So yesterday Miss Avery was back to being pretty good. She didn't have too many dips and was able to stay on 21% O2 most of the day. They increased her food intake to 3.6 ccs per hour which is the equivalent of about 17 teaspoons per day. They also took her off fluids. They ran a glucose test yesterday to see how she did without fluids and as of last night her sugar was fine. We were told it came in at 80. This was around kick out time (shift change for nurses) so I didn't get the chance to ask what the normal range is. This morning they are going to do a little more in depth workup to see how she is doing without fluids. I was told they were going to check things like her potassium levels, glucose again, and a few other things.

Now Miss Avery did lose a little weight yesterday. She went down to 846 grams from 850. There is a bigger baby right next to her and I keep telling her she needs to visualize being that big, but she just doesn't seem to get it. Either that or she is like me and is going to do the opposite of whatever you tell her, so maybe I'll quit telling her to think big thoughts.

Other than that Miss Avery did get a new blanket yesterday. So now instead of having a pretty in pink condo she has a pretty in purple condo with her name embroidered front and center. I think she even started the day in a purple bow on her headband to match her purple blanket. Yes, yes, they are all about some color coordination and stylin' babies up at the NICU.


  1. I love purple! I bet she looks so cute!!! I need pictures... Love you girl.

  2. Tonya & Pat-
    I wish I could be there with you. Avery is so beautiful and just so precious. She is in my prayers all through the day and so is her mommy and daddy. I certainly trust her to the Lord's watchcare and protection. Blessings on you all. I will stay in touch. Love and kisses-Jeannie
