Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Update

So Miss Avery had an up and down weekend. She didn't do horribly, but that apnea is really no fun. Both yesterday and today she was all over the map with the breathing so they increased her bpm (breaths per minute) on her c-pap, which is that thing you see in her nose that provides bursts (breaths) of O2 in order to help her breath, from 10 bpm to 20 bpm. In addition it seems like her O2 is being kept a little higher than usual. Normally it stays at 21-23%, however it seems to be staying around 24-25% this past weekend.

They ran more lab work on Miss Avery to make sure everything is still looking good and from what it sounds like everything came back normal. This is the second or third time they have ran lab work to see if anything is wrong (infections, etc) and as of yet nothing has shown up. It does concern me a little that they have ran lab work so often but that nothing has come back. I am sure they are just running the lab work to be cautious, but it makes me wonder a little if something is going on with her that isn't showing up. It is always possible that like any of us after being in the hospital and being poked and prodded every few hours she is just tired and that is messing with her breathing.

Overall she is still doing very well this is just one of those up and down things. She will get to her 4-5 lbs. She will get over all this apnea stuff and anything else that might pop up, however the road is going to have bumps. As we all know the things most worth doing in life are seldom easy and this is no different. Miss Avery is working at what she needs to, so she will get where she needs to be.

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