Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daddy's Turn

Well Miss Avery had another good day. She of course has a few dips, but nothing more than normal. Nothing like last Saturday thankfully!

We got to hold her again last night. This time it was all Daddy's turn. The past two times I hogged her, so it was only fair that Pat got to hog her for awhile. It was a really great visit. She seemed to really enjoy being in her Daddy's arms.

When they put her back up they had one of her blankets across her. It looked like they were strapping her in. The nurse called it her seat belt. Miss Avery likes to pop her booty up and flop herself on to her side. This is their attempt to keep her in place. She is quite a wiggle worm so it will be interesting to see if it works. I hope it does because the less she moves the less calories she burns and the more weight she gains which is the goal.

Miss Avery only needs another 1 1/2 ozs to get to 2 lbs! Let's pray she gets there soon. Word is once babies hit the 2 lb mark they fly to 3 lbs. I can't wait!!!


  1. oh how I remember waiting for the 2 lb mark. She will hit it in no time, could happen tonight :) She is doing so great she could come home before her due date, remember Noah came home just under 4lbs

  2. I just wanted to let you know that my DH and I are rooting for you and Avery! We are expecting our own little girl in July, so this hits close to home. I am sure she will blast her way through that 2 lb mark soon. You are all in our prayers!
